The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia launched the “National Center of Excellence (CoE) for CCS and CCUS” in 2017 in order to fulfill the commitment in reducing carbon emission and maintaining hydrocarbon production.
This center acts as learning facilities, which relates with the needs of the nation in mastering the CCS/CCUS technologies, acquiring new knowledge and also acts as a funding facilitator.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM) collaborates with the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI) in developing the center, one of it is currently based in Institut Teknologi Bandung Campus.
This center is also known as ITB Center of Excellence for CCS and CCUS which supported by PUI PT (University Center of Excellence Program) in 2018 from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI).
Our main objectives are:
To deliver a coordinated program of CCS research that links government, industry, regulators, and research organizations
- To demonstrate CCS/CCUS pilot project in Indonesia and to identify opportunities of CCS implementation for the achievement of Indonesia target to contribute to global climate change mitigation
To formulate Policies, Strategy, Regulations/ Standards for the Enabling of CCS Implementation in Indonesia
To develop effective communication links and networks with CCS researchers, regulators, policy makers and other stakeholders in Indonesia
- To provide educational and information materials to partners and general public to promote public awareness and understanding of CCS as a critical greenhouse gas mitigation